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Behind the Facade: When “I’m Fine” Turns Into “I’m Falling Apart”

New Memoir from New Degree Press Details Journey of Unprocessed Trauma How do you react when a stranger on the…

By Girl Power News , in News , at October 26, 2022

New Memoir from New Degree Press Details Journey of Unprocessed Trauma

How do you react when a stranger on the Internet tells you to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge? How do you let go of a childhood bully who traumatized you four times per day for two years? How do you process the grief of losing your soulmate? Those are some of the questions author and mental health advocate Lauren Bartleson addresses in her new book, Behind the Facade: A Mental Health Memoir, available from New Degree Press.

“My former blog and Instagram presence reached over 200,000 people in 105 countries per month, and with rapid growth comes trolls and an immense pressure to be ‘perfect,'” she explains. “For years, I put on a smile, trying to convince myself as much as others that I could handle the unparalleled hate and pressure, but it got to a point where I couldn’t anymore. I gave up.”

Bartleson’s memoir details the deep depression she fell into and why it took years to muster up the courage to ask for help. In addition, she shares her journey of processing unresolved childhood trauma, including bullying, peer pressure, betrayal, and grief, along with the rollercoaster of being diagnosed with four invisible illnesses: two autoimmune diseases, depression, and generalized anxiety disorder.

“In my darkest moments, I considered suicide on a daily, often hourly, basis,” she admits. “No one, not even my family, knew how much I was suffering. I showed up to work and family dinners as if nothing was happening, but inside I was falling apart.”

Raw, real, and heartbreakingly honest, Behind the Facade gives a glimpse into the memories that Bartleson buried deep inside, never to see the light of day. By sharing the stories that are helping her heal, Bartleson hopes to do her part in breaking the stigma around mental health and inspire others to feel less alone in their journey.

Behind the Facade: A Mental Health Memoir is available in ebook and paperback on Amazon and other online booksellers. Bartleson is available for media features, podcast interviews, and speaking engagements.

For media copies and enquiries, contact the author at [email protected].