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Celebrity Fitness and Aging Expert Reminds Us That There is No Quick Fix for Wellness and No Matter What The Season We Can All Rewire the Body and Mind At Any Age!

Jane Fonda’s trainer knows what works and what does not work to age with confidence and strength! Celebrity trainer and…

By Girl Power News , in News , at December 26, 2022

Jane Fonda’s trainer knows what works and what does not work to age with confidence and strength!

Celebrity trainer and Nordic Body creator, Malin Svensson, has worked with clients over 50 for the past 30 years. She is on a mission to disrupt aging by sharing the secrets to rewiring the body and mind with sustainable habits. Malin has used her proven Nordic Body System for over 20 years with Hollywood icons, Fortune 500 leaders and everyday people. She teaches body and mind practices to enhance and play a key role in living a fun, healthy and fulfilling life well into your 60’s 70’s 80’s and beyond.

Malin says, “It’s an honor that so many celebrities trust me with guiding their best practices in fitness. I really believe it is a lifelong commitment to level up our mindset and habits that keep us healthy and at our best. There’s no quick fixes, and I am tired of the seasonal get fit for the New Year fads. We can start at any age and time!”

Actress and client Jane Fonda says, “I love working out under Malin’s watchful eye. She knows how to give me an effective, carefully constructed workout with emphasis on functionality — as it should be at my age!”

Committed to inspiring millions to make better choices as they age, Malin is offering a FREE virtual workshop this January. This year she will share “WAKE UP Your Body + Mind After 50!” online.

Register now to join on January 5th, 2023 at 5pm PST.  Participants can start off the New Year getting inspired and motivated with Malin. For more information and to register for this fun and interactive event, click here: https://www.nordicbody.com/free-webinar-wake-up-your-mind-body-after-50-1

Attendees who recently saw Malin speak at the International Council on Active Aging Conference in Florida, raved about her workshop. “WAKE UP Your Body + Mind After 50” was one of the most highly attended sessions at the event. Malin is speaking at several events in 2023.  For more information log onto www.SpeakerMalinSvensson.com

Malin is also an International Fitness Coach/Author/Speaker and her most recent book “WAKE UP Your Body + Mind After 50!” is also the title of her most requested speech. Whether she works out fitness guru Jane Fonda or people that have never worked out a day in their lives – her mission is the same: to strengthen the body and mind to age with confidence.

Malin has been featured on NBC California Live, CBS Los Angeles, LA Times, The NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Fitness magazine.

Follow Malin Svensson on Facebook and Instagram @nordicbody

For Media Inquiries and to book Malin as a Speaker:
Contact Name: Julz Whitson
Phone: +1-310-845-6072
Contact Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.SpeakerMalinSvensson.com