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HealthyWomen Launches New Program To Highlight The Importance Of Preventative Bone Screening

#YesYouScan! Campaign calls on Women to get DXA Scan

By Girl Power News , in News , at October 26, 2022

Osteoporosis affects over 10 million Americans, and women are more at risk for developing than men. Osteoporosis causes bones to become brittle.making them susceptible to fractures and breaks. Nearly one out of every two women are likely to break a bone because of the disease. Although there are often no warning signs, early detection of low bone density can spare millions from unnecessary fractures, pain, disability and even death.

Elevating the importance of bone health screenings and encouraging women and their loved ones to take the pledge is an important step in identifying and treating bone loss.

“We know women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis because the hormone changes that occur during and after menopause can cause a rapid decrease in bone density,” said Beth Battaglino, RN-C, CEO of HealthyWomen. “Often called the silent disease because we can’t feel our bones getting weaker, it is important for women to understand their bone health in order to take control of their body and remain healthy and strong.”

Bone density tests are extremely effective at predicting future risk of fractures and are one of the 26 preventative screenings that are covered by the Affordable Care Act. However, testing has steadily declined since 2007 when cuts in Medicare Part B plans for scans done in a healthcare providers’ office took effect. HealthyWomen understands the importance of making bone screenings accessible and affordable for all women and has created the #YesYouScan! pledge to get DXA screenings. Elevating the importance of bone health screenings and encouraging women and their loved ones to take the pledge is an important step in identifying and treating bone loss.

HealthyWomen has created social media posts, including images, for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram that users can simply copy and paste to share. In addition, the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation has a direct link where women can contact their congressional representatives to ask for legislation that would increase access and affordability for DXA scans. This campaign is being supported by Amgen.

For more information on the #YesYouScan! Pledge or osteoporosis, visit here.