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Hypnotherapist Mary B. Battaglia Creates Protocol to Cope with Chemotherapy on the Road to Cancer Recovery

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a cancer that starts in certain blood-forming cells of the bone marrow. Mary B. Battaglia,…

By Girl Power News , in News , at October 26, 2022

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a cancer that starts in certain blood-forming cells of the bone marrow. Mary B. Battaglia, a certified clinical hypnosis and sound practitioner, was diagnosed with CML in November, 2021. At the time of diagnosis, she had cancer in 50 percent of her body; within six months it was less than 1 percent. Battaglia developed a hypnosis protocol that helped her tolerate the effects of chemotherapy, be relaxed for invasive tests, and create a mindset of empowerment and control over cancer in conjunction with her medical treatment.

Battaglia has been trained in medical hypnosis and from working with many cancer patients throughout the years, she incorporated insights gained to create a supportive mindset to deal with cancer. According to Battaglia, “Hypnosis is a natural relaxed state. It helps you be open to the treatment, induces calm and relaxation prior to surgery, and can be healing.”

Battaglia’s cancer journey began when she went to her doctor after she noticed bruises, tiredness, shortness of breath, and stomach issues. Two days later, her doctor called and informed Battaglia that her blood count was very high and she should go to a hematologist as soon as possible because it could be Leukemia.

“It took me two days to accept that I could really have Leukemia,” said Battaglia. “I was told that my only option was chemotherapy forcing me to reevaluate my relationship to modern medicine as I always have been healthy.”

Self-hypnosis allowed Battaglia to stay calm and in control on her journey. By removing the fear of chemotherapy through hypnotherapy, Battaglia was able to embrace the healing parts of the medicine and release the toxicity. Hypnosis balanced a holistic approach with modern medicine.

After that, Battaglia transitioned into healing mode and began to tell herself what she has always told her patients: “focus on what you can do.” She took action and created hypnosis recordings and visualized a hand coming in and taking out the bad cells. She created a separate recording for her bone marrow biopsy, which helped her feel relaxed, safe and secure.

Battaglia notes, “I believe and have witnessed through hypnosis that deep states of healing the mind and body occur when people are open to it.”

Battaglia was recently interviewed by Joan Herrmann on Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life’s Conversations with Joan radio show about her arsenal of tools with hypnosis to treat cancer. In the conversation, Battaglia explained how she uses hypnosis to visualize the bad white blood cells leaving her body.

Battaglia believes healing is a multiple prong approach. “Having a medical team you trust to guide you on the process and treatment, supportive family and friends, creating a mindset of healing and visualizing the healing and being open and ready for the treatment is key,” she said. “The medicine in conjunction with hypnosis has made a big impact on the reduction of CML. Utilizing hypnotherapy to get through the blocks over taking chemo, being calm for the biopsy, having a supportive mind to deal with the discomfort and side effects of medicine, and staying calm and grounded made a tremendous difference in supporting the mind and body.”

Now that Mary is back in action, she is working with others to create their own unique healing journeys with hypnosis.

Mary B Battaglia is the author of Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your Mind And Step Into Your Power. She has helped thousands of people reduce stress, heal, take action, make transformative changes and reach their full potential. Battaglia has been featured on Fox News, WOR radio, AM970 The Answer, Channel 12 news. www.metrohypnosiscenter.com.

Conversations with Joan is hosted by Joan Herrmann, creator of the Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life brand. The show airs Sunday nights at 10 pm ET on New York’s AM970 The Answer. Listen to the interview with Joan https://www.cyacyl.com/shows/mary-battaglia.
