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CDAHK Chiropractors Pushes Healthy Feeding of Children

Chiropractors have been committed to breastfeeding as natural health practitioners to resolve the digital marketing campaigns linked to unhealthy parental…

By Girl Power News , in News , at December 2, 2022

Chiropractors have been committed to breastfeeding as natural health practitioners to resolve the digital marketing campaigns linked to unhealthy parental feeding practices

A study in the journal BMJ Global Health found that mothers who were exposed to a lot of digital marketing were less likely to breastfeed their babies for the first six months of their lives and more likely to give them processed foods and sugary drinks.

Breast milk is the best food for your baby until he or she is six months old. Chiropractors from the CDAHK say that for your baby’s best growth, development, and health, you should only breastfeed him or her for the first six months of life. Babies who are only breastfed have much less ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and diarrhea, and they get better faster when they are sick. The risk of death is also much lower for babies who are only breastfed, compared to babies who are only partially breastfed or who aren’t breastfed at all.

Exposure to digital marketing of formula and baby food was measured by the number of times a week parents said they saw ads and the number of times they said they saw ads for products in the last month.

Dr. Eric Chun-Pu Chu is the chairman of the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong, CDAHK, the largest professional chiropractic organization in Hong Kong. He received the prestige Effective Outreach Partner Award for the contribution to breastfeeding by the United Nation Children Foundation (UNICEF). He also made remarkable research in clinical diagnosis (1-7) and challenge (8-20). He was tabled as the top clinical author of the profession.

Parents who reported seeing a higher number of ads were 62% less likely to exclusively breastfeed their children during the first six months of life. “As a business leader and chiropractor of a city that is at the forefront of scientific and healthcare innovation, we are always dedicated to the vitalistic approach in creating better health including breastfeeding,” Chu reported at the UNICEF interview.

When people saw more ads, they were twice as likely to buy products based on what they said was healthy or natural in digital marketing. The CDAHK’s vision and actions always aim at forging business and educating the public about healthy feeding enduring meaning and value that will eventually shape an exceptional future. This call to action is very important to protect children’s health and their right to breast milk and natural, healthy, enough, and good food.

1. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Ng GSN, Shum JSF. Neck pain and Headache Complicated by Persistent Syringomyelia After Foramen Magnum Decompression for Chiari I Malformation: Improvement with Multimodal Chiropractic Therapies. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Oct 31;23:e937826.
2. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Chen ATC, Shum JSF. A 68-Year-Old Woman with a Remote History of Breast Cancer Presenting with Low Back Pain to a Chiropractic Clinic in Hong Kong with Imaging Findings Consistent with a Vertebral Hemangioma and Vertebral Metastatic Lesions. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Oct 24;23:e938034. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.938034. PubMed PMID: 36274219; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9615097.
3. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Lai CR, Leung BK. Presumptive Prostate Cancer Presenting as Low Back Pain in the Chiropractic Office: Two Cases and Literature Review. Cureus. 2022 Oct;14(10):e30575.
4. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Tao C, Lee LY. Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain Complicated by Symptomatic Vertebral Artery Stenosis and Dizziness. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Oct 19;23:e937991.
5. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Chen ATC, Shum JSF. A 60-Year-Old Man with Gingivitis and Poorly Controlled Diabetes Developing Low Back Pain 1 Week Following Recovery from COVID-19 Diagnosed with Spinal Abscess Due to Streptococcus oralis. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Oct 6;23:e937517.
6. Chu ECP, Spaska A, Monov D, Kasatkin M, Stroiteleva N. Examining the correlation between salivary cytokine concentrations and CRP in people experiencing social-cognitive stress. Neurol Res. 2022 Oct 5;:1-6.
7. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Chen AT. Concurrent Bell’s Palsy and Facial Pain Improving with Multimodal Chiropractic Therapy: A Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Sep 19;23:e937511.
8. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Lai CR, Shum JSF. Metastatic Recurrent Breast Cancer Identified in the Chiropractic Office: Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Sep 4;23:e937609.
9. Chu EC, Trager RJ. Prevalence of Serious Pathology Among Adults with Low Back Pain Presenting for Chiropractic Care: A Retrospective Chart Review of Integrated Clinics in Hong Kong. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Sep 27;28:e938042.
10. Chu EC. Neuromuscular scoliosis in the presence of spina bifida occulta and a transitional lumbosacral vertebra: A case report. Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Sep;17(9):3260-3265.
11. Chu EC, Trager RJ. Effectiveness of Multimodal Chiropractic Care Featuring Spinal Manipulation for Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Following Lumbar Spine Surgery: Retrospective Chart Review of 31 Adults in Hong Kong. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Aug 2;28:e937640.
12. Chu ECP, Lin AFC. Relief of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome with chiropractic rehabilitation. J Family Med Prim Care. 2022 Jul;11(7):4006-4009.
13. Chu EC. Reducing Cervical Retrolisthesis With Long-Term Monthly Chiropractic Maintenance Care: A Case Report. J Med Cases. 2022 Jul;13(7):359-364.
14. Chu EC. Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) in 16 Patients Following COVID-19 Vaccination Who Presented to Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Physiotherapy Clinics in Hong Kong During 2021. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Jul 11;28:e937430.
15. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Shum JSF, Lai CR. Pancoast Tumor Presenting as Neck Pain in the Chiropractic Office: A Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Jul 7;23:e937052.
16. Chu EC, Lin AFC. Knee Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty Secondary to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. Curr Health Sci J. 2022 Apr-Jun;48(2):226-229.
17. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Chen ATC. Conservative Management of Low Back Pain Related to an Unresectable Aggressive Sacral Hemangioma: A Case Report. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Jun 23;23:e936984.
18. Chu EC. Large abdominal aortic aneurysm presented with concomitant acute lumbar disc herniation – a case report. J Med Life. 2022 Jun;15(6):871-875. doi: 10.25122/jml-2021-0419. Review. PubMed PMID: 35928356; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9321497.
19. Chu EC, Leung KKY. Chiropractic Management of Symptomatic Pedicle Hemangioma: a Case Report. Maedica (Bucur). 2022 Jun;17(2):528-531.
20. Chu EC, Chen AT, Chiang R. Chiropractic care of Parkinson’s disease and deformity. J Med Life. 2022 May;15(5):717-722.

This press release was issued through 24-7PressRelease.com. For further information, visit http://www.24-7pressrelease.com.