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Charla Aldous Wins ‘Elite Women of the Plaintiffs Bar’ Designation

Law.com, The National Law Journal also name AldousWalker law firm a finalist in Elite Trial Lawyers Awards process

By Girl Power News , in News , at August 9, 2023

American Lawyer Media, publishers of Law.com and The National Law Journal, have named Dallas trial lawyer Charla Aldous among the winners of its “Elite Women of the Plaintiffs Bar” honor. The designation comes as part of ALM’s 2023 Elite Trial Lawyers Awards process.

In addition, ALM named the firm a finalist in the Civil Rights category, based on its pro bono representation of Dr. Ximena Lopez. When her clinic for transgender teens was closed, Ms. Aldous, law partner Brent Walker and their co-counsel Stephen Malouf secured a court order that allows Dr. Lopez to continue treating patients, including new ones.

“Well, this is both a tremendous honor and a very nice surprise,” Ms. Aldous said. “There are so many outstanding women who are doing great things in this profession, and to be included in a group along with them is wonderful.”

Reporters and editors from both Law.com and The National Law Journal select the Elite Trial Lawyers Awards based on submissions from the firms and input from an external panel of judges. The awards recognize outstanding plaintiff work in bench and jury trials. To be eligible for consideration, firms need to have “an impressive track record of wins over the last three to five years,” including one in the previous year.

In the case of AldousWalker, the firm won a $21 million jury verdict last year on behalf of a young man left in a vegetative state after botched surgery for a broken leg.

“This kind of recognition is very special because it recognizes this firm pretty much across all the different kinds of legal work we do,” Mr. Walker said. “It begins with Charla, who is one of the best – if not the best – trial lawyer in the country. And it extends to our pro bono work and court wins.”

ALM plans to announce winners in the Civil Rights and other remaining Elite Trial Lawyers Awards categories during an awards dinner and event at The St. Regis New York July 13.

The AldousWalker LLP law firm represents clients in civil litigation and specializes in high-profile, high-stakes cases. Learn more about the firm at http://www.aldouslaw.com.