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Give A Tip Campaign to Help Holiday Shoppers Reach Underserved Subset on Small Business Saturday®

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full — pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”- Luke 6:38

By Girl Power News , in News , at December 2, 2022

This Thanksgiving weekend, ShareYourFaith.Shop is on a mission to equip shoppers with tools to actively support “the least of these” in the small business community: Self-employed Independent Contractors

Share Your Faith Cards announced today the launch of the “Give A Tip” Campaign, a new Small Business Saturday outreach initiative which aims to connect holiday shoppers with underserved small business segments.

As a part of its mission to equip and inspire shoppers with tools to actively support, celebrate, and engage with the underserved, the “Give A Tip” Campaign builds on the burgeoning trend of socially conscious consumerism in spreading hope, happiness, and helpfulness to small businesses this holiday season.

tangible expressions of allyship, generosity, and thanksgiving for their presence in our communities.

The retail services sector is particularly underrepresented on Small Business Saturday, which prompted the organization’s focus on tip giving.

“Self-employed Contractors are the often-forgotten subset in the small business community,” said Kimberly Kelly, Project Lead at Share Your Faith Cards. “These cash-strapped independents mostly rely on tips to make ends meet because they often do not qualify for traditional financing. Typically, 1099 contractors serve as the hired help within retail service businesses. Unlike payroll employees, they face many more financial hardships, having to pay out upwards of 45% of their earnings for income taxes, health insurance, and business expenses. This reality sparked the need for us to create a fun, feel-good, and inspiring tool to address this disparity.”

How Can Shoppers Use These Tools to Support Small Businesses?

Kimberly Kelly
(404) 380-1679
[email protected]