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Mommy’s Bliss Survey Highlights Mothers’ Concern of Children’s Health Leading Up to Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us, and with so many things to do and people to see, staying healthy is…

By Girl Power News , in News , at December 2, 2022

The holiday season is upon us, and with so many things to do and people to see, staying healthy is top of mind for families across the country, especially as doctors warn of a possible tridemic with RSV, flu, and COVID cases on the rise.

According to a recent survey conducted by family health and wellness brand Mommy’s Bliss, 72% of moms with kids 10 years old and under say they are concerned about keeping their kids healthy during the upcoming holiday season. That’s because over half (53%) say they have previously missed a meaningful holiday event that they wanted to attend because of a sick child, and 41% have had to cancel a family trip due to a cold or the flu during the holidays. Of the mothers surveyed, 50% said they expect to limit the number of holiday gatherings and events they attend this year to help ensure the most important holiday moments are not missed because of sickness.

Mommy’s Bliss offers expert advice on helping kids stay healthy this holiday as moms state concerns in new survey.

“As a team of moms, we talk a lot about the excitement of the holidays while also being nervous about new germs, and changes to routine and diet,” says Yasmin Kaderali, Mommy’s Bliss CEO and mom of two young boys. “We play a fundamental role in our children’s wellbeing whether it’s comforting a little one when they’re not feeling well or making sure everyone is taking their vitamins. We want to ensure that our kids are thriving so we can all share meaningful experiences and create lasting memories, particularly over the holiday season.”

Between the late nights, the all-you-can-eat spreads where most kids are only eyeing the dessert, and normal routines being thrown out the window, the survey found that close to 60% of moms are also concerned about their children’s nutrition during this time while 54% are concerned about the amount of sleep their children get during the holiday season.

“Moms and their children can easily get rundown during the holiday season if they are not taking good care of their sleep and nutrition,” says Dr. Nicole Sparks, an Atlanta-based OBGYN and mother to three young children including a 3-month-old baby. “Parents should prepare for this hectic time of year by taking a look at their family’s current health and wellness regimen and be proactive in making a plan to support their kids’ health so no one misses out on any of the fun.”

With three children under six years old, Dr. Sparks has started preparing her family for the holiday season. Dr. Sparks suggests the following to try and keep the holiday season healthy:

But what if illness does make a visit to your family over the holidays? With the rise of RSV, flu and COVID, it’s not only important to do all you can to support your family’s health, but to also know when it’s time to call your child’s doctor. Dr. Tiffany Otto Knipe, a top pediatrician in New York City, and the mom of two young boys, says, “It’s reasonable to visit your pediatrician if your child has cold symptoms or just seems unwell, but there are some other reasons that can be more pressing than others to see a doctor.”

Dr. Tiffany cites the following reasons to bring your child to their physician:

Regardless of sickness, however, seventy percent (70%) of moms admitted they will be choosing to skip an extended family gathering over the holidays. Of these moms, 43% cited they will be skipping gatherings due to family drama, 31% feel their children will be up too late, and 24% are concerned about that dreaded child meltdown at a holiday event.

Whatever the holiday plans may be, Mommy’s Bliss encourages moms to embrace the moments of joy in between the chaos, and whether you plan to stay home or be on the go, you can find more information on ways to support your family’s health at MommysBliss.com and join the mom community at @mommysbliss on Instagram and facebook.com/MommysBliss.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Mommy’s Bliss helps moms and babies find comfort in connection with products crafted from wise ingredients. The company was founded in 1999 by Roshan Kaderali, a mom and pediatric nurse, midwife and doula who had used Gripe Water to ease infant colic and fussiness for years while working in Scotland. When she moved to the U.S., she was astonished that the “magical” Gripe Water formula she relied on wasn’t available here. So, she set out to create her own, and Mommy’s Bliss was born. The company is now headquartered in Richmond, Calif., and led by Roshan’s daughter, CEO Yasmin Kaderali. Mommy’s Bliss crafts a variety of safe and gentle supplements for mom, baby, and kids, including a cough relief line, products for digestive health that include Gripe Water and gas drops, and probiotics, immunity support, and vitamins. Learn more at mommysbliss.com and join the mom community at @mommysbliss on Instagram and facebook.com/MommysBliss.