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New documentary “The Detransition Diaries” explores the stories of three young women who thought transitioning to male would solve their gender dysphoria

“After the surgery, I had been hit with these awful feelings of having made a huge mistake… I was looking down at my body and seeing these weeping gashes on my chest and having the most awful feeling.”-Grace

By Girl Power News , in News , at October 26, 2022

“After the surgery, I had been hit with these awful feelings of having made a huge mistake… I was looking down at my body and seeing these weeping gashes on my chest and having the most awful feeling.”

The Center for Bioethics and Culture has produced a powerful documentary film, “The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters,” giving the audience an intimate look into the lives of young women who came to believe they were born in the wrong body. The film explores themes that led three women to seek help for their gender dysphoria as well as their decision to stop transition treatments.

“The Detransition Diaries” explores these issues in interviews with 3 young women who detransitioned, along with interviews from British Women’s Rights Campaigner, Kellie-Jay Keen, Editor-in-Chief, The Post Millennial, Libby Emmons, and author/consultant, Natasha Chart.

New documentary “The Detransition Diaries” explores the myths of detransitioning

One woman recounts her experiences in online communities which affirmed her that she was trans. Another talks about the path that she was on which resulted in her having a double mastectomy. The other is an accomplished singer, and was distressed by the effects of testosterone on her voice.

Libby Emmons says, “We do our girls a disservice when we lie to them and tell them they don’t have to be women. We tell them they can be anything they want to be, but we have forgotten to tell them to love being who they are.”

View the official Trailer here, or watch the documentary on Vimeo.
Media can request private access for viewing only and not distribution.

The documentary is already receiving positive reviews:

“The Detransition Diaries” is touching, powerful and brave. Lahl has given young women whose lives were upended by the quack medicine pushed by gender ideologues a chance to tell their stories” – Helen Joyce, author Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality

“The Detransition Diaries is an absolute must-watch film. Powerful, tragic, and yet hopeful.” – Ryan T. Anderson, PhD, President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment

Website: https://www.cbc-network.org/