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“Write the Vision and Make it Plain” with the Automation Workz Life Culture Audit App

Ecclesiastes 10:19 and John 10:10 states,” money answereth all things” and that I am come that they might have life…

By Girl Power News , in News , at December 26, 2022

Ecclesiastes 10:19 and John 10:10 states,” money answereth all things” and that I am come that they might have life and life more abundantly.

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Tired of financial struggles and endless emergencies? Envision a life of plenty with the Life Culture Audit app. “As we began to admit learners to our tech programs, we noticed 78% of our learners were spiritual, yet struggled with a plan to achieve Godly abundance,” states Ida Byrd-Hill CEO Automation Workz.

Byrd-Hill continues, “I discovered the power of vision boarding and goal setting, while I lived in a Flint HUD housing community during my high school years. I always wanted to be like Richie Rich, the comic character, despite the poverty-stricken environment I was living in. At the age of 15, I read the Bible cover to cover to learn about Ecclesiastes 10:19 and John 10:10 that states, ‘money answereth all things’ and that I am come that they might have life and life more abundantly. Ironically, I rarely heard anyone preach Ecclesiastes 10:19 to escape poverty nor write the vision and make it plain.’ These scriptures, vision board and Godly wisdom led me to a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, an abundant lifestyle and a peaceful mindset.”

A vision board allows one to visualize abundance and see “all things are possible with God who strengthens me.” Mobile app users select a photo of their goal, give it a title and a detailed description. The Life Culture Audit App populates all goal photos on one page, where users can rearrange, reduce or enlarge photos based on goal priority. Daily review of this vision board provides energy in motion to execute actions to achieve desired goals.

Automation Workz has been utilizing the Life Culture Audit App to select front-liners for its workforce development network engineering and cybersecurity training. Automation Workz has achieved a 75% learner completion with an average placement salary of $67,250. Front-liners, mainly low-income African and Hispanic Americans, who normally would not have matriculated to tech careers, are mastering rigorous tech training.

Looking for a higher-paying career and an abundant lifestyle? “Write your vision and make it plain!” Join the movement to a better life. Download the Life Culture Audit app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play, Today.

Ida Byrd-Hill is a futurist, an urban economist, and CEO of Automation Workz. Automation Workz is a reskilling firm preparing employees to migrate into technology training specialties – network engineering, cybersecurity, software programming and data analytics.

Ida has 30+ years of professional business experience in HR, Executive Search, Finance, Social Responsibility, Technology and Wealth Management, having grown sales amongst diverse populations. She grew her wealth management firm from 0 to 620 million in assets under management and a mortgage portfolio to 40 million annually during an economic crisis with a predominately African American consumer base. She is author of 8 books, including Invisible Talent Market-Solving the Talent Shortage Without Outsourcing and Visas.

Ida Byrd-Hill is a graduate of University of Michigan – Ann Arbor with a BA Economics and Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University with an MBA specializing in People Management/Strategy. 
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